Presentation Coaching - 2 Session Package

Presentation Coaching - 2 Session Package


2 one-hour 1:1 sessions with Katie Zenger via Zoom.

Presentation Coaching is a guided strategy session with a specific outcome - to make you feel confident, prepared, and ready for a specific presentation. Most of us dislike public speaking so much that we avoid preparing properly. I’m here to be your accountability buddy (accountabil-a-buddy!) in advance of your business pitch, research presentation, conference session, virtual training, webinar, or any scenario where you need to communicate to a group of people. Together, we’ll walk through a set of 3 key questions and streamline your ideas. By the end of Session 1, you’ll walk away with next steps, clarity, and a plan for your presentation.

In Session 2, we will review your slide deck, and have you practice what you’ve developed. Katie will review your presentation materials in between these two sessions and provide specific feedback on how to improve your slide deck for clarity and impact.

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